Hello Guys, Welcome to RyberSoft. As usual, here I have an awesome Instagram trick for you that you may use to download any Instagram video in your PC using any browser. We will use the HTML structure of Instagram to download any video. It's a flaw in their web design and may change in future, but till it's a flaw use it. So let's begin with the steps to download the video for offline use.
Steps To Download Instagram Videos In Any Browser
As I have already mentioned this trick is based on HTML hack i.e we can use a flaw in HTML of Instagram to download its videos for offline use without any software. First talk about what are we going to do. We will first obtain the direct URL for the video from the Instagram site and open it using video player or flash player of your browser to download it. Here I will recommend updating your browser before you try this trick.
Step 1: First open Instagram in any of the browsers you have. Next play the video you want to download.
Step 2: Next right click on the video and select 'Inspect' or 'Inspect Element' depending on the browser.
Step 3: Next you may see a panel opened containing hierarchy structure of HTML elements on the website.
Step 4: There Press 'Ctrl + F' to open find or search box. There type '<video>' and you may see a section highlighted in Hierarchy System.
Step 5: There copy the link under src=''" section. e.g in mine case it's
[<video class="_c8hkj" playsinline="" poster="https://ig-s-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/13151052_1695751094009474_34256019_n.jpg" preload="none" src="https://scontent-sit4-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/13157808_123972544675419_331246047_n.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>]
So I will copy https://scontent-sit4-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/13157808_123972544675419_331246047_n.mp4
Step 6: Now open another tab in the browser (recommended in Private Browsing mode) and paste the copied URL in URL box of browser and hit Enter. Now you can see your video being played in the new tab in a style similar to below screenshot. There just press the download button on bottom right corner to see your videos being downloaded.
Video Tutorial To Download Instagram videos
I hope you would like to learn how to download Hotstar Videos on Windows Computer.
So, guys, that's how you can download any Instagram video on your browser for watching offline or other purposes. Hope you liked it and will share it with your friends to help them know about such cool tricks.