Hello friends telegram is an emerging social site. Due to it's some cool features it's gaining popularity rapidly. According to telegram daily around 350,000 new users join it. And this progress is due to it's features. One of cool features it offers is self destructing messages, yeah you can send messages which will get deleted automatically after certain time. In last post I had described how to send self destructing mail on gmail and now I will explore it on telegram. The Secret Chat feature in Telegram, lets you send self-destructing messages in Telegram.
In other words, here you get options to specify how long a message should be visible to the receiver. You’ll also get notified if the receiver takes a screenshot of your self destructing message or photo.
Step1:- Open the Telegram app on your Android phone.
Step2:- Tap the 3-small-line icon on the top left and then hit the "New Secret Chat" button.
Step 3:- Select the contact you want to start secret chat with. (If you already have started Secret Chat with that contact, you just need to open it from the list of your current chats).
Also learn:- How to add or remove sticker pack in Telegram.
If it is a new secret chat, you have to wait for the other party to join the chat, otherwise you can start sending messages
Step 4:- On the Secret Chat page, tap the 3-dot button on the top right and then tap the Set self-destruct timer option.
Step 5:- Now set the timer for message and hit the Done button to make it effective.
From now on, all your sent and received messages will be destructed after the time ends. The timer starts as soon as you read the message or open the photo.
Step 1:- Open the Telegram app on your iPhone device.
Step 2:- Go to the Contacts tab and tap the New Secret Chat option.
Step 3:- Select the Contact you want to start secret chat with.
Wait for the contact to get online, so you can start messaging (The initial setup needs both contacts to be online, and after that you can send messages regardless of the receiver's status).
Step 5:- Now on the Message Box, tap the Timer icon and set the self-destruct timer.
The same as Android, all your messages or photos will now be destructed after the timer ends.
Note:- To turn off self-destructing message in Telegram, simply set the timer to OFF.
Dude hope this helped you and now you will share it with your social buddies to show of your knowledge.
In other words, here you get options to specify how long a message should be visible to the receiver. You’ll also get notified if the receiver takes a screenshot of your self destructing message or photo.
Steps to send self destructing telegram messages In Android
To send Self-Destructing message in Telegram, do as described in following steps:-Step1:- Open the Telegram app on your Android phone.
Step2:- Tap the 3-small-line icon on the top left and then hit the "New Secret Chat" button.
Step 3:- Select the contact you want to start secret chat with. (If you already have started Secret Chat with that contact, you just need to open it from the list of your current chats).
Also learn:- How to add or remove sticker pack in Telegram.
If it is a new secret chat, you have to wait for the other party to join the chat, otherwise you can start sending messages
Step 4:- On the Secret Chat page, tap the 3-dot button on the top right and then tap the Set self-destruct timer option.
Step 5:- Now set the timer for message and hit the Done button to make it effective.
From now on, all your sent and received messages will be destructed after the time ends. The timer starts as soon as you read the message or open the photo.
Steps to send destructing telegram messages on iPhone
To send Self-Destructing message in Telegram for iPhone, do as follows:-Step 1:- Open the Telegram app on your iPhone device.
Step 2:- Go to the Contacts tab and tap the New Secret Chat option.
Step 3:- Select the Contact you want to start secret chat with.
Wait for the contact to get online, so you can start messaging (The initial setup needs both contacts to be online, and after that you can send messages regardless of the receiver's status).
Step 5:- Now on the Message Box, tap the Timer icon and set the self-destruct timer.
The same as Android, all your messages or photos will now be destructed after the timer ends.
Note:- To turn off self-destructing message in Telegram, simply set the timer to OFF.
Dude hope this helped you and now you will share it with your social buddies to show of your knowledge.