This is the Full guide for all the newbies on How to Flash a Custom ROM in android Device. Android has countless functionality and features,we can do so many things in android smartphone which can’t be done in any other operating system. Android provides a lot of options for customization and this is the reason why we love android phones more than any other phones like iPhone, Windows etc. Custom ROMs gives Better UI, features and Good Performance in Android Devices. There are Number of Custom ROMs available for Android Devices. You can Choose any ROM, and install in your device of your choice. Make sure your device have good development level on XDA.
In terms of customization we can change & tweak almost everything in android. You can change fonts, icons & even launcher, this is best thing about android that we have so many options for customization. By customizing we can enhance the look of our android smartphone. An iPhone user can’t get the taste of android on his iPhone but an android user can feel the complete iOS UI on his android phone, that’s why android is best among all… no one can match android’s functionality. According to Me, Cyanogen is the best custom rom for Android Devices. Checkout more about Custom ROMs from below.
Why We Should Install Custom ROM in Android Device
Though you need to root your device to get most of the android, rooting is best & most important thing you can do with your android smartphone. By getting root access you can do so many awesome things with your android phone to make it more smarter. In earlier days rooting process used to be very complicated, but nowadays its very easy to root android phone. Checkout below post to root your android phone. How To Root Any Android Phone Without PC. “Rooting will void your manufacturer warranty “ . After rooting your device you will defiantly regret for not rooting your device before. You can check Custom rom availability for your device at XDA.
How To Flash A Custom ROM On Your Android Phone
Flashing a custom ROM is also very complicated process, many geeks who are familiar with this kinda stuff can make mistake sometimes while flashing a ROM. If you are a new user and don’t know about this stuff but still want to flash a custom ROM on your android phone then don’t worry we will give you a step by step guide by which you can easily flash a custom ROM on your device. Follow below guide to know how can you flash a custom ROM on your android device.
Requirements Before Flashing Custom ROM in Android Device
• Unlocked Bootloader – If your phone’s bootloader is locked then you need to unlock it first, Check the XDA forum of your device to know the process of how to unlock the bootloader of your phone. If you want to know about install custom roms without unlocking bootloader? Then i want to tell you, Some devices comes with locked bootloader, you can’t flash custom ROM Without unlock bootloader. But some devices comes with unlocked bootloader, in those devices you can flash custom ROMs without unlocking boot loader.
• Custom Recovery Installed – You need to install a custom recovery on your device, you can’t flash a ROM without a custom recovery. Again check on xda to know how can you install a custom recovery on your android phone.
• After unlocking the bootloader & installing a custom recovery you can flash a custom ROM on your device, you don’t need root access to flash custom ROM on your android phone… though you will go with rooting process while installing a custom recovery.
So these was the some basic requirements, for flashing custom ROMs in your android device. Make sure you have all above requirements, for flash custom ROM in android device. So After prepare all things, check below precautions for installing custom ROM in android device.
Precautions Before Installing Custom ROM in your Device :-
→ As we said flashing a custom ROM is a very complicated process, please take a android backup of your stock ROM before flashing a custom, So incase if anything goes wrong you can easily revert back to your stock ROM. You can take nandroid backup through recovery.
→ Also keep your phone charged before flashing a rom.
Note :- You will lose all your apps & data by flashing a new ROM.
Pro Top :- If your phone is rooted then download titanium backup to take backup of all of your apps with data. You can restore this backup later after flashing a ROM.
How to Flash Custom ROM in Android With TWRP Recovery
Below i am Going to Mention process for Flashing Custom ROM in android device with the help of TWRP Recovery mode. If you have other recovery Like CWM or PHIZ Recovery installed in your device, then you can follow same steps from below. So Checkout Step by Step Guide from Below, for Flash Custom ROM in android With TWRP.
→ First of all download the ROM of your choice for your device and put it in root of your SD Card or internal Storage (Recommended)
→ Now reboot your phone into recovery, turn offyour phone & press and hold Volume Up + Volume Down + Power Key to reboot into the recovery. Remember that all Devices have the different method for boot in recovery mode. If you don’t know Key Combination for reboot in recovery, Then Just Search on Google, you will get that. Or you can also use Some apps Like Quick Reboot for Restart your Phone in Recovery Mode.
→ It is recommended to perform a factory reset before flashing a new ROM, So After Open Recovery Mode, You Will See Option of Wipe. Simply Click on It, and Swipe to Confirm Factory Reset of your device.

→ Once you done doing a factory reset, Go back to Main Screen Of the app, and click on install Button like below Screenshot.

→ Now It will Show you File Manager, Navigate to the ROM, which you was Downloaded for your Device, and click on It.

→ After Select Custom rom Zip from your SD Card, now it will ask you to Confirm flashing process. Swipe to confirm flashing of ROM.

→ Wait for few minutes until flashing process finishes. It may take up to 5-10 Minutes for Finish Flashing Process. Don’t Be panic, and don’t pull out battery from your device while flashing process.
→ Now After flashing process finish, it will show you an option of wipe cache & dalvik cache, Click on that, and it will Wipe Cache from your Device.

→ Done! Now reboot your phone. It will take some time to finish the first boot so don’t be panic, it may take up to 10 Minutes for boot your device first time after flashing Custom ROM.

Now enjoy the complete new system on your android phone. So this is how you can flash a custom ROM on any android device, this is most common way to flash a custom ROM on any android device, though in some ROMs you need to do a clean flash before flashing the ROM, clean flash means wiping everything in recovery except internal storage.
How to Use Google apps Like Google Play Store etc in Custom ROMs
If you have successfully flashed custom ROM in your device, then you may notice that there are no Google apps present in the ROM. because, most of the Custom ROMs don’t comes with Gapps pre-installed. You have to manually Download and Flash Gapps in your android device. Below, i will guide you about How to Flash Gapps in android devices easily. So checkout Step by step tutorial on How to Download and Flash Gapps in Android Devices.
→ At First, Download Gapps for your device from here – Download Gapps
→ After Visit Above link, Download Gapps according to your device chipset, then Select Gapps package of your choice. I recommend to Download Nano Gapps, so heavy Gapps will not decrease performance of your device.

→ After Successfully Download Gapps for your device, Now move it in SD Card, or keep it in Internal Storage of your device.
→ Now, Goto Recovery Mode from your Device, and Click on Install Zip from SD Card, then navigate to the newly downloaded Gapps Zip file, and confirm flashing process.

→ Now, After Successfully Flash Gapps in your device, Simply Clean Cache from recovery Mode, and Reboot your Device, it will take up to 10 minutes for boot your device after Flashing Gapps. So have patience, and don’t be panic.
So This was the Easy way for Downloading and Flashing Gapps in your Android Device. If you want to use play store in your Custom ROM, then you can flash these Gapps in your device. if you don’t want to use Play Store, then you can skip these steps. Remember that Gapps will decrease performance of your device for sure. So make sure you install Nano Gapps package, like i have mentioned earlier, it will not decrease performance in Custom ROM. So This was the easy Guide on Flashing custom ROMs and Gapps in android Devices.
Conclusion About Flashing Custom ROMs
This was the complete for the users who don’t anything about rooting , flashing & other same kind of stuff, you can follow this guide to flash a new custom ROM on your device to enjoy a new and clean system on your android phone. This was the one of the best Guide for How to Flash Custom ROM in Android Device. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned here for more cool stuffs like this.
In terms of customization we can change & tweak almost everything in android. You can change fonts, icons & even launcher, this is best thing about android that we have so many options for customization. By customizing we can enhance the look of our android smartphone. An iPhone user can’t get the taste of android on his iPhone but an android user can feel the complete iOS UI on his android phone, that’s why android is best among all… no one can match android’s functionality. According to Me, Cyanogen is the best custom rom for Android Devices. Checkout more about Custom ROMs from below.
Why We Should Install Custom ROM in Android Device
Though you need to root your device to get most of the android, rooting is best & most important thing you can do with your android smartphone. By getting root access you can do so many awesome things with your android phone to make it more smarter. In earlier days rooting process used to be very complicated, but nowadays its very easy to root android phone. Checkout below post to root your android phone. How To Root Any Android Phone Without PC. “Rooting will void your manufacturer warranty “ . After rooting your device you will defiantly regret for not rooting your device before. You can check Custom rom availability for your device at XDA.
How To Flash A Custom ROM On Your Android Phone
Flashing a custom ROM is also very complicated process, many geeks who are familiar with this kinda stuff can make mistake sometimes while flashing a ROM. If you are a new user and don’t know about this stuff but still want to flash a custom ROM on your android phone then don’t worry we will give you a step by step guide by which you can easily flash a custom ROM on your device. Follow below guide to know how can you flash a custom ROM on your android device.
Requirements Before Flashing Custom ROM in Android Device
• Unlocked Bootloader – If your phone’s bootloader is locked then you need to unlock it first, Check the XDA forum of your device to know the process of how to unlock the bootloader of your phone. If you want to know about install custom roms without unlocking bootloader? Then i want to tell you, Some devices comes with locked bootloader, you can’t flash custom ROM Without unlock bootloader. But some devices comes with unlocked bootloader, in those devices you can flash custom ROMs without unlocking boot loader.
• Custom Recovery Installed – You need to install a custom recovery on your device, you can’t flash a ROM without a custom recovery. Again check on xda to know how can you install a custom recovery on your android phone.
• After unlocking the bootloader & installing a custom recovery you can flash a custom ROM on your device, you don’t need root access to flash custom ROM on your android phone… though you will go with rooting process while installing a custom recovery.
So these was the some basic requirements, for flashing custom ROMs in your android device. Make sure you have all above requirements, for flash custom ROM in android device. So After prepare all things, check below precautions for installing custom ROM in android device.
Precautions Before Installing Custom ROM in your Device :-
→ As we said flashing a custom ROM is a very complicated process, please take a android backup of your stock ROM before flashing a custom, So incase if anything goes wrong you can easily revert back to your stock ROM. You can take nandroid backup through recovery.
→ Also keep your phone charged before flashing a rom.
Note :- You will lose all your apps & data by flashing a new ROM.
Pro Top :- If your phone is rooted then download titanium backup to take backup of all of your apps with data. You can restore this backup later after flashing a ROM.
How to Flash Custom ROM in Android With TWRP Recovery
Below i am Going to Mention process for Flashing Custom ROM in android device with the help of TWRP Recovery mode. If you have other recovery Like CWM or PHIZ Recovery installed in your device, then you can follow same steps from below. So Checkout Step by Step Guide from Below, for Flash Custom ROM in android With TWRP.
→ First of all download the ROM of your choice for your device and put it in root of your SD Card or internal Storage (Recommended)
→ Now reboot your phone into recovery, turn offyour phone & press and hold Volume Up + Volume Down + Power Key to reboot into the recovery. Remember that all Devices have the different method for boot in recovery mode. If you don’t know Key Combination for reboot in recovery, Then Just Search on Google, you will get that. Or you can also use Some apps Like Quick Reboot for Restart your Phone in Recovery Mode.
→ It is recommended to perform a factory reset before flashing a new ROM, So After Open Recovery Mode, You Will See Option of Wipe. Simply Click on It, and Swipe to Confirm Factory Reset of your device.
→ Once you done doing a factory reset, Go back to Main Screen Of the app, and click on install Button like below Screenshot.
→ Now It will Show you File Manager, Navigate to the ROM, which you was Downloaded for your Device, and click on It.
→ After Select Custom rom Zip from your SD Card, now it will ask you to Confirm flashing process. Swipe to confirm flashing of ROM.
→ Wait for few minutes until flashing process finishes. It may take up to 5-10 Minutes for Finish Flashing Process. Don’t Be panic, and don’t pull out battery from your device while flashing process.
→ Now After flashing process finish, it will show you an option of wipe cache & dalvik cache, Click on that, and it will Wipe Cache from your Device.
→ Done! Now reboot your phone. It will take some time to finish the first boot so don’t be panic, it may take up to 10 Minutes for boot your device first time after flashing Custom ROM.
Now enjoy the complete new system on your android phone. So this is how you can flash a custom ROM on any android device, this is most common way to flash a custom ROM on any android device, though in some ROMs you need to do a clean flash before flashing the ROM, clean flash means wiping everything in recovery except internal storage.
How to Use Google apps Like Google Play Store etc in Custom ROMs
If you have successfully flashed custom ROM in your device, then you may notice that there are no Google apps present in the ROM. because, most of the Custom ROMs don’t comes with Gapps pre-installed. You have to manually Download and Flash Gapps in your android device. Below, i will guide you about How to Flash Gapps in android devices easily. So checkout Step by step tutorial on How to Download and Flash Gapps in Android Devices.
→ At First, Download Gapps for your device from here – Download Gapps
→ After Visit Above link, Download Gapps according to your device chipset, then Select Gapps package of your choice. I recommend to Download Nano Gapps, so heavy Gapps will not decrease performance of your device.
→ After Successfully Download Gapps for your device, Now move it in SD Card, or keep it in Internal Storage of your device.
→ Now, Goto Recovery Mode from your Device, and Click on Install Zip from SD Card, then navigate to the newly downloaded Gapps Zip file, and confirm flashing process.
→ Now, After Successfully Flash Gapps in your device, Simply Clean Cache from recovery Mode, and Reboot your Device, it will take up to 10 minutes for boot your device after Flashing Gapps. So have patience, and don’t be panic.
So This was the Easy way for Downloading and Flashing Gapps in your Android Device. If you want to use play store in your Custom ROM, then you can flash these Gapps in your device. if you don’t want to use Play Store, then you can skip these steps. Remember that Gapps will decrease performance of your device for sure. So make sure you install Nano Gapps package, like i have mentioned earlier, it will not decrease performance in Custom ROM. So This was the easy Guide on Flashing custom ROMs and Gapps in android Devices.
Conclusion About Flashing Custom ROMs
This was the complete for the users who don’t anything about rooting , flashing & other same kind of stuff, you can follow this guide to flash a new custom ROM on your device to enjoy a new and clean system on your android phone. This was the one of the best Guide for How to Flash Custom ROM in Android Device. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned here for more cool stuffs like this.