How To Make Fake Computer Virus – Hey we have got an trick to annoy your friends. Now a days it has become very easy to write simple coded in Note Pad. This is a fake virus just to prank your friends. This is not a real virus. This virus is harmless and will not harm your computer in any prospect. But proceed with the trick carefully as if you miss any step you will not be able to get your outcome right. It means that your virus may not work properly. We have also added images at different steps. Images are added to only those steps which are quite complicated and can create a mess. Just follow my steps and avail this awesome trick and prank your friends.

About This Trick :
As we have already said this is not an original virus. This is a coding. This is a type of VBS script. The trick is only for making others fool as it will not harm there computer. Show this trick to your friends and keep them in depression. You can also show off by showing your coding skills. But don’t worry they will never be able to get the code from the virus as this requires a bit of knowledge for this. You can become master of coding in-front of your friends by showing this trick.
How To Make Fake Computer Virus :
This process is very easy. You will not need any coding knowledge. Just copy this code in Notepad and save the file with .VBS extension.
• Open Notepad.
• Copy this code –
X=MsgBox(“Error while opening Computer. Do you want to Fix this Error?”,4+64,”Computer”)
X=MsgBox(“Unable to Fix this Error. Do you want to scan this Computer”,3+48,”Computer”)
X=MsgBox(“Alert ! Virus Detected. Delete Virus? “,3+16,”Alert!”)
X=MsgBox(“Unable to delete this Virus”,1+64,”Critical Error”)
X=MsgBox(“Virus Is activated”,2+16,”Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“Deleling System Files…..”,2+16,”File Deletion”)
X=MsgBox(“Virus is copying your password…..”,2+48,”Virus Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“Please Wait, Uploading your data to Server. Do you want to Stop it”,4+64,”File Transfer”)
X=MsgBox(“Could not stop. File Transfer Completed”,1+16,”Completed”)
X=MsgBox(“Your Computer is Hacked”,0+64,”Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“HAHA This was Prank : Visit FreeRechargeGroup.Com For More Tricks “,0+64,”Fooled You”)
X=MsgBox(“From FreeRechargeGroup.Com”,0+64,”Visit FreeRechargeGroup.Com For More Tricks”)
• Now Click on File.
• Then Save As.

• Select All Files in Save As Type.

• Now in File Name.
• Write Virus.VBS
Steps To Run The Virus :
• Just open it.
• Now you will see the magic.
Final Words :
This trick is for fun purpose only. Share this as much as you can as sharing is caring. You can help us to grow by sharing this post. We are always there to help you all out.
About This Trick :
As we have already said this is not an original virus. This is a coding. This is a type of VBS script. The trick is only for making others fool as it will not harm there computer. Show this trick to your friends and keep them in depression. You can also show off by showing your coding skills. But don’t worry they will never be able to get the code from the virus as this requires a bit of knowledge for this. You can become master of coding in-front of your friends by showing this trick.
How To Make Fake Computer Virus :
This process is very easy. You will not need any coding knowledge. Just copy this code in Notepad and save the file with .VBS extension.
• Open Notepad.
• Copy this code –
X=MsgBox(“Error while opening Computer. Do you want to Fix this Error?”,4+64,”Computer”)
X=MsgBox(“Unable to Fix this Error. Do you want to scan this Computer”,3+48,”Computer”)
X=MsgBox(“Alert ! Virus Detected. Delete Virus? “,3+16,”Alert!”)
X=MsgBox(“Unable to delete this Virus”,1+64,”Critical Error”)
X=MsgBox(“Virus Is activated”,2+16,”Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“Deleling System Files…..”,2+16,”File Deletion”)
X=MsgBox(“Virus is copying your password…..”,2+48,”Virus Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“Please Wait, Uploading your data to Server. Do you want to Stop it”,4+64,”File Transfer”)
X=MsgBox(“Could not stop. File Transfer Completed”,1+16,”Completed”)
X=MsgBox(“Your Computer is Hacked”,0+64,”Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“HAHA This was Prank : Visit FreeRechargeGroup.Com For More Tricks “,0+64,”Fooled You”)
X=MsgBox(“From FreeRechargeGroup.Com”,0+64,”Visit FreeRechargeGroup.Com For More Tricks”)
• Now Click on File.
• Then Save As.
• Select All Files in Save As Type.
• Now in File Name.
• Write Virus.VBS
Steps To Run The Virus :
• Just open it.
• Now you will see the magic.
Final Words :
This trick is for fun purpose only. Share this as much as you can as sharing is caring. You can help us to grow by sharing this post. We are always there to help you all out.