Hello buddy we are all aware of some of the keyboard shortcuts like 'Alt+F4' and 'Ctrl+C', These are shortcuts that make our work quite easy and hence gives more powers to our keyboard. We all know most of the basic shortcuts that we use everyday. But there are a few more, quite more awesome and fascinating so let's talk about a few of awesome keyboard shortcuts.
Awesome Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows
Ctrl+Click:- This shortcut is useful for opening a link in a new tab in Web Browsers. This is useful when you have to load a page without leaving the current one. Just click the link with CTRL pressed to open it in background.
Alt+Print Screen:- This shortcut takes the screenshot of the current active Window and then you can use the image by saving it as image using MS Paint, PowerPoint or other imaging software.
Ctrl+Print Screen:- which takes the screenshot of the entire screen.
Shift+Click Yes to All and No to All:- If you have a lot of dialog boxes asking yes and no question, just shift+click Yes or No on one to yes all or no all.
Ctrl+C:- On an error dialog box to copy its contents: Suppose your computer is giving an error message and you want to copy its contents to send to the support guy, what do you do? Just press Ctrl+C while the dialog box is highlighted and its contents will be copied to your clipboard.
Ctrl+T: This keyboard shortcut opens a new tab in internet browsers.
Ctrl+Shift+T:- Reopens the last closed tab.
Ctrl+Shift+N:- This shortcut opens a new incognito window in Google Chrome.
Ctrl+Shift+P:- Opens a new private window inMozilla Firefox.
Alt+Enter after writing the domain name in the address bar of your browser to insert .com automatically.
Shift+Enter:- inserts .net domain name extension.
Ctrl+W:- This shortcut closes the current tab in your browser quickly.
Ctrl+Backspace:- This shortcut deletes the last word you have typed. It is useful in case you typed in a wrong word and want to delete it quickly.
Ctrl+Left or Right Arrow key:- This shortcut allows you to move the cursor one word at a time instead of the default one character at a time.
'Ctrl' + '+':- This shortcut allows you to zoom in web pages in web browsers. Useful when text on a web page is too small to read properly. Ctrl+Scroll wheel can also zoom in documents, file thumbnails and icons in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
Ctrl + '-':- This shortcut does the reverse of the previous shortcut i.e allows you to zoom out web pages in web browsers.
Ctrl+0:- Reset the webpage's zoom i.e set it to 100%.
Windows key+M:- Minimizes all the open windows.
Ctrl+L:- This shortcut allows you to quickly jump to the address bar of your web browser.
Windows key+Pause/Break:- Quickly open the system properties dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+Delete:- This shortcut opens the option to delete your browser's history, cookies, cache and other details that it stores while you browse the internet. This shortcut is extremely useful for the privacy conscious.
Windows Key+L:- This shortcut locks your computer.
Ctrl+H:- makes the history appear.
CTRL+B:- Bold
CTRL+U:- Underline
CTRL+I:- Italic.
Alt+Select:- This shortcut allows you to select rectangular blocks of text in Word processors, something that is not possible with simple select.
F2:- Allows you to rename the selected file.
Holding Shift while inserting a device with removable storage prevents automatic run.
Ctrl+F:- This keyboard shortcut opens the Find option in any program.
Ctrl+S:- If you are working on a software and want to quickly save your progress, this shortcut will come in handy. This is very handy tool for Word Processors.
Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End:- Useful for quickly going to the top and bottom of a page.
Ctrl+P:- Useful for printing the current page.
Space Bar:- While viewing a web page in a browser, pressing space bar moves the page down.
Alt+Tab:- Useful for quickly cycling between running applications. Press along with Shift to cycle backwards.
Ctrl+Tab:- Cycle between tabs in your browser.
Ctrl+F5:- Clears the cache and refreshes the current tab.
Shift+Right click:- Open alternate right click options.
Alt+Double click:- Open the file's properties. Alt+Enter can also be used for this.
Friends I found these shortcuts as helpful to smoothen or working with my computer.
Hope it was so for you too. Please post in comment box if you have anymore of these shortcuts. So now share the post to let your friends know about this.