Welcome friends here we are to discuss about speeding up Bluestacks App Player using Registery Editor. As you know Bluestacks is one of the mostly used android virtual machine for Windows due to it's easy and smooth working. But very often after longer use it starts to lag. And the reason is it's low memory allowance.
Being a virtual machine it depends on a share of physical main memory available and when this share is not enough the legend begins to lag. In such cases the performance of Bluestacks is really frustrating and unnatural.
And here we are to remove this problem by making some registery tweaks. We are to increase the share of Blustacks in the main memory.

To begin first open "RUN" by pressing 'Windows key' + 'R'. Run dialogue box will appear here type 'regedit' and press ok or enter.

Now you may or may not be asked for administrator permission depending on how your settings are configured.After providing permission you will receive the main Registery Editor Window divided in two sections. Left side contain the hierarchical structure of registery settings present in your PC or Laptop.

There expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Now you will see a large list under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.But have not to worry of all and go to Software and expan it. Under Software expand Bluestacks and then guest. In guest you will see Android. This time you don't have to expand it just select it. Now you will see some registery Values in right pane and second from bottom is the one you have to edit. So double click it and check 'Decimal' and change the value data to 1024. Then click OK and close Registery Editor. Now restart the PC to enjoy the faster and smoother Bluestacks.

I expect you got it properly and in-case not please watch me doing it on My YouTube channel.
Being a virtual machine it depends on a share of physical main memory available and when this share is not enough the legend begins to lag. In such cases the performance of Bluestacks is really frustrating and unnatural.
And here we are to remove this problem by making some registery tweaks. We are to increase the share of Blustacks in the main memory.
To begin first open "RUN" by pressing 'Windows key' + 'R'. Run dialogue box will appear here type 'regedit' and press ok or enter.
Now you may or may not be asked for administrator permission depending on how your settings are configured.After providing permission you will receive the main Registery Editor Window divided in two sections. Left side contain the hierarchical structure of registery settings present in your PC or Laptop.
There expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Now you will see a large list under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.But have not to worry of all and go to Software and expan it. Under Software expand Bluestacks and then guest. In guest you will see Android. This time you don't have to expand it just select it. Now you will see some registery Values in right pane and second from bottom is the one you have to edit. So double click it and check 'Decimal' and change the value data to 1024. Then click OK and close Registery Editor. Now restart the PC to enjoy the faster and smoother Bluestacks.
I expect you got it properly and in-case not please watch me doing it on My YouTube channel.